BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result

The BISE Karachi board 10th class result is one of a student’s most thrilling and nerve-wracking moments. This is the ultimate test of all the hard work, late-night cramming, and endless reviewing you’ve been doing for months. Will you get a high score, or will you miss the mark? Only the announcement of the result can tell.

But the question is, how do you find out what your results are? And what do you do if you don’t like your grades? So, don’t worry, fellow students, because we’re here to help you through it. the website not only informs you about Karachi result, but also all cities of Sindh board who conduct matric exams include Sukkur board, Hyderabad board, Larkana board, Mirpurkhas board , Aga khan board, Quetta board, Multan board, Peshawar board,Federal board.

Quick Facts About BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result

BoardBISE Karachi
Class10th, Matric Result
Exam TypeAnnual
Total Marks550
Result DateExpected in September 2025
Result Announcement Time10:00 AM
BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result

How Can I Check the BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result?

There are multiple methods available for checking the results. Below, we will outline each of these methods with step-by-step instructions.

  • Method 1: Roll Number Check result of 10th class karachi board

The roll number assigned to each student is the most common method for checking the Karachi matric board result. Follow the steps below to check the result by roll number. 

  • Visit the official website of the Karachi Secondary Education Board at
  • Click on the “Result” option.
  • Enter your roll number in the provided space.
  • Click on the “Search” button.
  • Wait for a few seconds to see your result.
  • Method 2: By SMS Check karachi matric board result

Students can check their results through SMS if the board’s website crashes due to heavy traffic. You can follow the following instructions to find your result. 

  • Open your messaging app.
  • Type your roll number.
  • Send the message to 8583.
  • Wait for a couple of minutes.
  • You would receive your total marks or failed subject if you failed the exam.
Check-Matric-Result-karachi-Board -By-SMS
  • Method 3: By Gazette Check BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result

Another way to see the results is through the gazette, which can be downloaded in PDF format and searched using the student’s roll number or name.

  • Download the gazette in PDF format from the official website of the Karachi Board or any other website.
  • Open the PDF in any PDF viewer.
  • Type your roll number or name
  • Search for the results.
  • Compare the results with your school name and father’s name.

How Do I Apply for Paper Rechecking Following an Unsatisfactory Result?

If you are dissatisfied with the result of 10th class Karachi board exams, you can request a paper rechecking. You can complete the process in a few simple steps.

Firstly, visit the Karachi Board website and download the rechecking paper form. The form will require you to provide personal details, such as your name, father’s name, and roll number, along with the subjects you wish to apply for rechecking.

Once you have filled out the form, you must pay the fixed fees for rechecking. You can pay the fee at any participating bank branch. You can also pay via Jazz Cash and Easy Paisa.

After you submit the fee challenge and the completed form, the board will process your request and call you to recheck your attempted paper. 

Please note that the rechecking process may take some time. Also, the board’s decision on the rechecked results will be final and not open to further challenge.

Recheck BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result

Duplicate Result Card and Certificate  of BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result

Losing original documents can be a stressful experience for any student. You can obtain a duplicate copy from the board if you have lost your original result card or certificate. The process is simple, but it requires a few steps.

To apply for a duplicate result card and certificate, you must visit the Karachi Board office and apply. The application should include the following information:

  • The student’s name
  • The student’s father’s name
  • The student’s roll number
  • The reason for requesting a duplicate result card and certificate
  • Any additional information that may be relevant
  • Along with the application, you must attach a copy of your National Identity Card (NIC) and an affidavit stating that you have lost the original documents.

After submitting the application and necessary documents, you must pay the required fee. The following is the fee structure of duplicate result cards and certificates:

TypeOrdinary Fee (PKR)Urgent Fee (PKR)Most Urgent Fee (PKR)
Duplicate Certificate125018003150
Duplicate Result Card4008001000

How to Apply for Supplementary Exams After Failing in Result?

If a student fails the 10th class exam, they can still take supplementary exams to try to pass. Students can apply through their schools, and the process is simple. Here’s how to apply for supplementary exams:

  • Students need to let their school know right away if they fail and want to retake the test.
  • Your school will provide you with the supplemental exam application. Fill out the form carefully with the correct information.
  • Pay the supplemental exam fees after completing the form. The amount depends on the subject(s) you want to retake.
  • Send the completed form and fee challan to your school. Your school will send the form to the Karachi Board.
  • After receiving your application, the Karachi Board will give your school a roll number slip. 
Supplementary Exam Of BISE Karachi  Board 10th Class Result

Frequently Asked Questions 

What should I do if I find an error in my result card?

You can contact the Karachi Board and request them to correct the mistake.

How can I check my BISE Karachi board 10th class result?

You can check your result online by visiting the official website of the Karachi Board, through SMS or by checking the gazette.

How long does it take for the gazette to be available after announcing the results?

The gazette is usually available one to two hours after the announcement of results.


Knowing about the latest educational news and information is essential for a student. We know that waiting for exam results can be stressful, but now that you can check your results through your roll number, an SMS, or the gazette, the process is much easier and more convenient. 

We hope this article about the BISE Karachi Board 10th Class Result was valuable and full of information for you. We encourage students to stay positive and continue their efforts towards academic excellence. Best of luck to all the students in their future endeavors.


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