BISE Sukkur Board 9th Class Result

Welcome, dear readers! The moment we have all been eagerly waiting for has finally arrived. Yes, you guessed it right! The BISE Sukkur board 9th class result is out now. It’s time to unveil the academic fate of all the hardworking and dedicated students who appeared in the exams. Whether you’re a student, a parent, or a teacher, the 9th class result is always a momentous occasion.

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Checking the result can be a daunting task. But fear not, as we’re here to help! This article will cover everything you need to know about the Sukkur board result 9th class. We’ve covered you from the methods to check the result to the paper rechecking procedures of Gujranwala, Multan, Hyderabad, Peshawra, Karachi, Larkana and other boards.

So, sit tight and prepare to learn about the BISE Sukkur board 9th class result. In the next sections, we will discuss each topic and provide all the necessary information.

Quick Facts About BISE Sukkur Board 9th Class Result

BoardBISE Sukkur
Exam TypeAnnual
Total Marks550
Result DateExpected in September 2025
Result Announcement Time10:10 AM

Methods to Check BISE Sukkur Board 9th Class Result

The BISE Sukkur board has provided students with multiple options to check results. Here are the detailed steps to check your BISE Sukkur Board 9th class result through each method:

Method 1: By Roll Number Check BISE Sukkur Board 9th class result

This method requires you to enter your roll number on the official website of the BISE Sukkur board to view your result.

  1. Visit the official website of the BISE Sukkur board (
  2. Find the link to the 9th class result and click on it.
  3. Enter your roll number in the assigned section 
  4. Click the “Submit” button.
  5. Your result will appear on the screen, displaying your obtained marks in each subject.
Search 9th Result Sukkur Board By Roll no

Method 2: By SMS Check Sukkur board result 9th class

You can check your Sukkur board 9th class result by sending an SMS with your roll number to a designated number.

  • Step 1: Open the messaging app on your mobile phone.
  • Step 2: Compose a new message and type your roll number in it.
  • Step 3: Send the message to 80029.
  • Step 4: You will receive a reply message with your result.
Check 9th Result Sukkur Board By SMS

Method 3: By Name Check 9th class Sukkur board result

With this method, you can check your result by entering your name on the official website of the BISE Sukkur board.

  • Go to the official website of the BISE Sukkur board (
  • Look for the link to the 9th class result and click on it.
  • Enter your name in the designated field 
  • Click the “Submit” button.
  • Your result will appear on the screen, showing the marks you obtained in each subject.
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Method 4: By Gazette CheckBISE Sukkur Board 9th Class Result

The gazette method involves downloading a PDF document from the official website of the BISE Sukkur board and searching for your name or roll number to view your result.

  • Visit the official website of the BISE Sukkur Board (
  • Find the link to the gazette and click on it.
  • Download the gazette in PDF format.
  • Search for your name or roll number in the gazette to find your obtained marks in each subject.
Sukkur Board 9th Result Check By Gazette

How to Recheck Papers After an Unsatisfactory Result 

If you are unhappy with the marks you obtained in your result, you can get your papers rechecked. The process of paper rechecking involves submitting an application form. Here are the steps to follow for paper rechecking:

Firstly, you need to obtain the form from the website of the BISE Sukkur. It’s important to complete the form accurately and completely with all the required information. This information includes your name, roll number, exam session, and contact details. You must ensure that you provide your correct contact details so that the board can contact you easily.

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The next step is to pay the designated fee mentioned on the application form. After paying the fee, submit the form. You can submit the form by visiting the board office in person or via courier. Once the board receives your form, they will review it and contact you to visit their office for further proceedings.

At the board office, your answer sheet will be checked in your presence. The board ensures that no question or page is left unchecked. The marks will then be recounted, and if any error is found, your marks will be updated accordingly. The rechecking paper fee will be refunded if your marks are updated by rechecking. 

It’s important to note that the board’s decision regarding your marks is final, and no further appeals can be made after the paper rechecking process.

Finally, your result will be updated with the new marks, and you can access it through the same channels.

Rechecking Papers Form Sukkur Board 9th Class

Board Migration 

Board migration refers to changing the educational board or school during the middle of the academic year. This process is sometimes necessary for students relocating to a new city or country or those wishing to switch to a different educational board for better opportunities.

Here are the steps to migrate to a different board or school:

  • The first step towards migration is to get a NOC from your current board or school. For this purpose, you will need to submit an application to the board and pay the fee. 
  • Once you have obtained the NOC, you can apply to the board or school you want to migrate to. 
  • You will need to submit certain documents along with your application. These documents include your previous academic records, transfer certificate, and proof of identity. 
  • After submitting your application and documents, you must wait for approval from the new board or school. 
  • Once you receive approval, you will need to complete the admission formalities. It includes paying fees, submitting additional documents, and attending an orientation session.

How to Reappear in Supplementary Exam After Failing the Result

If a student fails their 9th-grade exams, they still have an option. They can reappear in the supplementary exams for the failed subjects. However, they will have to wait another year to give the exams along with the regular 9th-grade exams. 

The first step is to contact their school and inform them of their intention to reappear for the exams. The school will then provide them with the registration form for the board exams. They must fill out and submit it with the supplementary exam fee.

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Once the registration form is submitted, the student must also enroll in the 10th grade. It is crucial to prepare for both 10th and failed 9th-grade subjects simultaneously. The student may have some days after matriculation exams to prepare for the supplementary exams.

If the student does not want to give the supplementary exams and wants to repeat the entire 9th grade, they must cancel their result. The whole process is explained in detail below.

Supplementary Exam For Sukkur Board Form 9th class

Result Cancellation 

If you are unsatisfied with your obtained marks or failed the BISE Sukkur Board 9th class result, the result cancellation option is available. You can retake the exams to improve your grades by canceling the result. 

To cancel the result, you need to fill out the form available on the Sukkur board’s website. After filling out the form, you must pay the designated fee at the bank mentioned. 

Once the fee is paid, the board will process your application when your result is canceled. They will notify you about the cancellation.

Apart from result cancellation, paper cancellation is another option for students. If you have failed a subject or if you passed but were not satisfied with your grades, you can request a paper cancellation. 

The procedure of paper cancellation is similar to result cancellation, but in this case, you have to mention the subjects you want to cancel and retake. 

After paper cancellation, you have to apply for those subjects again, just like supplementary exams, as explained above. This option allows students to improve their grades in specific subjects instead of repeating the whole 9th grade.

Result Cancellation of Sukkur 9th class

Boards Contact Information 

If you need to contact the BISE Sukkur Board, here is the contact information you will need:

Email[email protected] 
Phone Number+92 71 5630522
AddressShikarpur Road, Makha Goth, Sukkur

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I migrate to another board or school?

You must obtain a NOC from the BISE Sukkur Board and submit it to the desired board or school. After that, you can follow their admission procedures to enroll.

What should I do if I am unsatisfied with my BISE Sukkur Board 9th class result?

You can apply for paper rechecking to increase your marks. You can also reappear in supplementary exams, cancel your result, and repeat the 9th grade.

How do I get a second copy of my mark sheet?

You need to apply for a duplicate mark sheet, a copy of your original mark sheet, and your ID card.


In conclusion, the BISE Sukkur Board 9th class result is crucial for students in the Sukkur region. It determines their academic progress. Students who didn’t get the desired grade have several options, such as rechecking, retaking the exam, or canceling the grade. 

Keeping a good attitude and working towards your academic goals are important. With the right mindset and approach, students can turn setbacks into learning and growing opportunities. Remember that a result is just a number; you can reach your goals and dreams with dedication and hard work.

Congratulations to all the students who got the grades they wanted, and good luck to those still trying to improve.


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